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How to tell if Dukascopy sucks, page 4 of 7

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Example 2

At that point, what would you have done? I made an expensive, long-distance call, and dialed Dukascopy's direct-access telephone number in Geneva, Switzerland. And then, on the telephone, I very politely asked their customer service guy, Herr Dreyer, what had happened in my account and why.

However, the customer service he provided was terrible. He rudely interrupted me, started to argue with me. He made it sound like that my inability to close my long position, as well as the opening of that fictitious short position was nobody's fault, but mine.

Therefore, I must say Herr Dreyer's poor customer service was (and is) one additional reason why Dukascopy sucks.

According to his faulty and unacceptable logic:
  • Me, the customer, shouldn't be able to modify the settings of my trading platform.

  • During the previous day I should've sent him an email, asking him to please modify one of the settings of my trading platform, to please set the "hedge mode" to the "non-hedge mode". And

  • If I didn't send him that email, then, whatever problem I encountered that day was my problem — not his.
At that point the unspoken questions were: