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How to eat right, page 2 of 9

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Carbs, simple

What are the simple carbs? They're the refined sugars and sugary foods, such as table sugar, candy, and soda. Additionally, in the category of simple carbs, we can include bakery products, too, because they're processed by the body like refined sugar. Examples are cakes, cookies, crackers, donuts, and white bread.

How can you eat right? On the positive side, simple carbs are a blessing for the poor, if they cannot afford meat. They're also a blessing for governments, because the simple carbs can be mass produced cheaply; they can feed large crowds and large armies.

However, if you can afford meat, then the simple carbs are but occasional treats you don't need! Why? Because, as explained here, as opposed to fats and proteins, simple carbs have no nutritional value.

Additionally, and contrary to the assertions of mainstream propaganda:
  • Simple carbs provide completely unnecessary calories, and
  • You don't require simple carbs, for energy.
  • You don't need them for the diseases, such as dental cavities, they promote.
Therefore, you don't need any simple carbs — the refined sugars, sugary foods and bakery products. Full stop.

Carbs, complex

What are the complex carbs? They're carbs whose molecules contain chains of monosaccharide molecules. Examples are grain products, fruits and vegetables.

How can you eat right? On the positive side, complex carbs are a blessing for the poor, if they cannot afford meat. Complex carbs are also a blessing for governments, because they can be mass produced cheaply. They can feed large masses and large armies, They can also tranquilize many large crowds. However, if you can afford meat, then complex carbs are occasional treats you don't need.

When you eat right, you need to avoid complex carbs, because they're foods you don't need. Why? Because, as explained here, contrary to the assertions of mainstream propaganda:
  • You don't need complex carbs,
  • They're totally unnecessary calories,
  • You don't need them for energy,
  • You don't need them for weight gain, and
  • You certainly don't need them for the diseases, such as the obesity epidemic, they promote.
Therefore, you don't need complex carbs. Full stop.   ...More >>

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