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How to digest food better, page 5 of 8

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Improving your diet

One of the unexpected benefits of working with betaine hydrochlorite (HCl) capsules is a sudden realization that some of your favorite foods should be avoided, because your body can't digest them. Example: frozen foods when they're eaten raw.

So, how can you digest food better? Avoid all hard-to-digest foods, and you will digest food better!

Mixing food with saliva

How can you digest food better? Digestion consists of two processes: The mechanical process of chewing, and the chemical process of breaking down the nutrients in your GI track. Saliva contains an enzyme called amylase. The process of chewing mixes the food with your saliva. Chewing is important because when you mix the food with your saliva, you start breaking down the carbs, right there in your mouth, before it gets into your stomach.

So, how can you digest food better? Mix the food with your saliva, and you will digest food better.


How can you digest food better? Digestion starts at the moment you see and smell the food. Why? Because that is when you start salivating.

So, how can you digest food better? Pay attention to, see and smell the food, and you will digest food better.


How can you digest food better? Minimize stress. It has been estimated that we have a 100 times more stress than our grandfathers. One of the main causes of low stomach acid is stress.

So, how can you digest food better? Minimize stress, and you will digest food better.

The better body

How can you digest food better? And how can you get a better body? If you want a better body, what counts is not just WHAT you eat, but HOW you eat what you eat, and how you DIGEST what you eat. You need to digest food better.

So, how can you digest food better? You will digest food better, if you pay attention to what you eat, how you eat what you eat, and how you digest what you eat. ...More >>

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