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Ten common causes of persistent morning cough, page 2 of 4

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Gastroesophageal reflux

What are the ten common causes of persistent morning cough? Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the ten common causes of persistent morning cough. When stomach acid moves backwards into the esophagus, it causes an irritation, therefore it can trigger a persistent morning cough.

What are the ten common causes of persistent morning cough? GERD can cause a persistent morning cough, particularly when you eat a heavy meal, or when you lie down in bed at night. However, medical doctors can only give you antacids. So, what is one of the ten common causes of persistent morning cough? GERD is one of the ten common causes of persistent morning cough.

Hay fever

What are the ten common causes of persistent morning cough? The most common cause of post nasal drainage is seasonal allergic condition, commonly known as hay fever.

What are the ten common causes of persistent morning cough? If you're allergic to something that is non-seasonal, the persistent morning cough can be present all year round. If your cough becomes worse when you lie down to sleep at night, and if you have nasal congestion during the day, then you might be suffering from post nasal drainage.

What are the ten common causes of persistent morning cough? If, immediately upon awakening, you have a persistent morning cough, and if you have a sensation that mucous is "stuck in the back of your throat" that is difficult to clear, even with a persistent morning cough, then you're suffering from post nasal drainage.

What are the ten common causes of persistent morning cough? Post nasal drainage is one of the ten common causes of a persistent morning cough. Post nasal drainage means mucous drains from the sinuses into the back of the throat, which causes persistent morning cough. If you ask, medical doctors can only give you antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal steroids. So, what is one of the ten common causes of persistent morning cough? Post nasal drainage is one of the ten common causes of persistent morning cough.

Lack of fluids

What are the ten common causes of persistent morning cough? A lack of fluids is one of the ten common causes of persistent morning cough. If you drink little or no water, it is pretty hard for your system to break up any mucous in you, or to make your cough more productive. You need to drink lots of water to thin out nasal secretions. You also need to keep the humidity level in your house high. So, what is one of the ten common causes of persistent morning cough? A lack of fluids is one of the ten common causes of persistent morning cough. ...More >>

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