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How to create a police state, page 7 of 9

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Shelter the snitches

Q: How do you create a police state in the mythical country of Zugoland?

A: If you're a Zugoland politician, reward the uninformed informers, by never disclosing their identities. Shelter them, regardless how much damage they have done.

This way the snitches will keep snitching, and — just like in ex-Soviet Block countries — you never know who is watching, who is reporting, and if there is anyone you can really trust.

Shoot first, ask questions later

Q: How do you create a police state in the mythical country of Zugoland?

A: If you're a Zugoland politician, make sure the cops are out of control in most of Zugoland.

Train the police officers to behave like state-sponsored terrorists, and government-sanctioned hit squads that bully people and act like they're above the people and the law.

Make sure the officers treat people like garbage, approach everyone like as if every private citizen was a Bin Laden.

Ensure that the police officers shoot first, and ask questions later.

Shoot first, cover up later

Q: How do you create a police state in the mythical country of Zugoland?

A: If you're a Zugoland politician, train the police officers to shoot up vehicles with innocent people inside.

Train your officers to attack without any warning. Not even asking the suspect to step out of the vehicle.

Shoot first, ask later — much like gangs or drug dealers.

Never mind the fact that every Zugoland citizen is at danger of cops with guns, and their motivation of revenge.

Subservient, complacent citizens

Q: How do you create a police state in the mythical country of Zugoland?

A: If you're a Zugoland politician, you want to create a culture of fear with complacent and subservient citizens who have been conditioned to accept police officers who behave like state-sponsored terrorists and government-sanctioned hit squads.

Make sure the officers bully the people and act like they're above the people, and above the law. ...More >>

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