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How to be confident, page 4 of 7

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Get inspired

How can you be confident, and how can you become confident? Read about men and women who stood up and changed their situations, who decided to fight, instead of run. Their stories will inspire you, and you will be confident.

Learn about the process

How can you be confident, and how can you become confident? Become confident by learning about the process. Let's suppose you don't have the confidence to buy real estate. Become confident by learning about the process of buying real estate. Find out why you cannot fail. Talk to people, talk to experts, and read up on your subject. The more you know about buying real estate, the more likely you will succeed in buying real estate. And, when it dawns on you that you cannot fail, you will be confident.

Make eye contact

How can you be confident, and how can you become confident? Become confident by always making eye contacts. Make your eyes work for you. Aim them right at the other person's eyes. Why? Because it will give you confidence, and win you confidence, too. When you make eye contacts, you will be confident.

Make yourself attractive

How can you be confident, and how can you become confident? Become confident by making yourself attractive. Even if you were born ugly, you CAN take measures to make yourself attractive. Pay attention to your hair style, the choice of your clothes, the way you carry yourself, and your personal grooming. Walk erect, sit erect, have a steady voice, and take care of your complexion. Why? Because all of these will give you confidence; and win you confidence, too. And when you are attractive, you will be confident.

Practice being courageous

How can you be confident, and how can you become confident? Become confident by developing courage. How can you develop courage? Practice being courageous every day. How? Act courageously in little things at first. And, if you can use courage in little things, you will soon start winning victories. And when you are victorious, you will be confident.

Read biographies

How can you be confident, and how can you become confident? Read a few carefully selected books. Read the biographies of great men (or women), and keep telling yourself, "If he (or she) could do it, so can I!" ...More >>

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