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How to deal with your bad neighbors, page 4 of 7

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The courts will work for you

How do you deal with your bad neighbors?
How do you teach them a lesson? If you want to teach them a lesson, the courts will teach them a lesson.

I'm not saying that you do some digging, look up your local property laws, and find a noise ordinance, or some odd law in your town or county that your neighbors are violating.

However, if you did, then with just a minimum effort on your part, you could tie your bad neighbors up in court for many months, and cost them thousands of dollars in fines.

The annoying noises will work for you

How do you deal with your bad neighbors?
How do you teach them a lesson?
I'm not saying that you install a hidden speaker that emits farting and belching sounds, triggered by motion sensors as your bad neighbors walk by.
However, if you did, then it would really bug your bad neighbors. And then, for a while, you wouldn't have to deal with your bad neighbors. And, did you know that neither farting, nor belching, or installing hidden speakers is against the law?


How about dogs? Do you like dogs?
I'm not saying that you get some pitbulls that bark all the time. And that you put some in the front yard, and a few in the back.
But, if you did, then your dogs, with their incessant barking, would really bug your bad neighbors. And then, for a while, you wouldn't have to deal with your bad neighbors. And, did you know that barking is not against the law?   ...More >>

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