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Free no right click script, page 2 of 2

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If you know what you want, then on this page you will find a script you can use now, right now. So, what do you need? This script can do wonders for your web site. Look no further, if you want a free no right click script.

Author: AptArticle.com

Description: It is JavaScript that prevents users from copying the text your web pages. It is a no right click script that prevents copying.

Demo: The demo to show you what this script can do for you can be found on the previous page.


Step 1: Copy the following code, and add it to the 'head' section of your web page.

/******* DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ************/

function DisableCrime(target){
if (typeof target.onselectstart!="undefined")
target.onselectstart=function(){return false}
else if (typeof target.style.MozUserSelect!="undefined")
else target.onmousedown=function(){return false}
target.style.cursor = "default"}

* Copyright © AptArticle.com (http://aptarticle.com)
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use.
* Visit http://aptarticle.com/ for this script and hundreds more.

Step 2: Copy the following code, and — as the last three lines — paste it to the 'body' sections of your web pages.


Step 3: Please note that there is no need for editing. In your own interest, do not edit any of this script.

Step 4: Enjoy it, and have fun using it!

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