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How to quit smoking, page 2 of 3

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Try Chantix®

How do you quit smoking? Here is an idea: Try a prescription medicine, for example Chantix®, and you may find that within a month you are able to quit smoking, without any effort on your part. Why? Because the urge to smoke will simply disappear.

And later, when you look back, you will be able to say, "It has been two years of no smoking, and I have no desire to light up again."

The idea is that, if you enlist the help of Big Pharma, you will be able to quit smoking.

Try chewing tobacco

How do you quit smoking? Here is an idea: Switch to chewing tobacco. The idea is, if you can get hooked on chewing tobacco, you will be able to quit smoking.

Alternatively, try the combination of chewing tobacco and Nicorette® gum. Again, if you can get hooked on chewing tobacco, you will be able to quit smoking.

The idea is, if you get hooked on chewing tobacco, you will not only eliminate the tar, the carbon monoxide, but you will be able to quit smoking.

Try Green Smoke®

How do you quit smoking? Here is an idea: Switch to Green Smoke® electronic cigarettes. Why? Because it is a cleaner, healthier, as well as cheaper way to get your fix. If you use Green Smoke®, you no longer smoke in the traditional sense because it produces no ash, and leaves no offensive odor.

It may take a few days to adapt to the new delivery method. However, after the third day you will likely break most triggers, except for the "smoke in the morning" trigger. Your mind will adapt to the new delivery method.

The idea is, if you get hooked on Green Smoke®, you will eliminate the tar, the carbon monoxide, and you will be able to quit smoking.

Try Nicorette® gum

How do you quit smoking? Here is an idea: Start using Nicorette® gum. The nicotine in it will replace the nicotine you previously got from smoking. This will relieve the craving and withdrawal symptoms, and allows you to concentrate on overcoming the habit of smoking.

While nicotine is the addictive component in cigarette smoke and the reason for smoking, the harm caused by smoking is due to other components in the smoke — such as tar, carbon monoxide and other gases.

The idea is, you CAN eliminate the tar, and the carbon monoxide. The idea is, if you chew Nicorette® gum, you will be able to quit smoking. ...More >>

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