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How to prevent prostate cancer, page 6 of 12

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Prostate cancer surgery

How can you prevent prostate cancer? Avoid all prostate cancer surgeries.

Why would you consider doing the surgery at all? Because there are way too many surgeons (medical doctors) who want to do nothing else, but prostate cancer surgeries.

Why? Because the more surgeries they do, the more money they make.

While surgery is the least evil of the three mainstream treatment options, it is still evil. It is evil because it does more harm than good.

Why? Because it turns your benign (harmless) slow-growing prostate cells into killers.

Remind yourself that you didn't get cancer because you have too many prostates.

Remind yourself that, if you eat garlic, ginger, or red pepper, or if you take DCA, then you won't need the prostate cancer surgery in the first place. (34) (35)

Therefore, you can, could and should avoid prostate cancer surgeries.

So, how can you prevent prostate cancer?
Eat garlic, and you will prevent prostate cancer.

Eat ginger, and you will prevent prostate cancer.

Eat red pepper, and you will prevent prostate cancer.

Avoid prostate cancer surgeries, and you will prevent prostate cancer.

Red meat

How can you prevent prostate cancer? Avoid the intake of red meat.

On the positive side, grassfed, organic and unprocessed red meat is one of the most harmless and most nutritious foods on the planet.

However, on the negative side, and almost all the time you need to avoid the intake of red meat.

Why? Because it's either prepared (cooked, fried, barbecued, etc.) or processed (smoked, cured, treated with nitrates, preservatives and various chemicals). And, when it's prepared or processed, it causes prostate cancer in men.

Fried red meat boosts the risk of advanced prostate cancer by 40 percent. (7) (8) (9) (10)

Pan-fried red meat, cooked at high temperatures, boosts the risk of advanced prostate cancer by 40 percent. (7) (8) (9) (10)

Ground beef is positively linked with aggressive prostate cancer. (26)

Grilled, barbecued and well-done meat boosts the risk of aggressive prostate cancer. (26)

Well or very well cooked ground beef doubles the chance of getting an aggressive prostate cancer. (27)

So, how can you prevent prostate cancer?
You will prevent prostate cancer, if you avoid the intake of red meat. ...More >>

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