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How to get rid of your teeth, page 1 of 6

By Dr. Stan Helmsletter

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If you want to get rid of your teeth, you've come to the right place because I can show you how to lose your teeth by the time you are 50, 30, or even 15 years old. Yes, you can become a toothless wonder!

Ask any dentist

How can you get rid of your teeth? Ask any dentist, and no one but a dentist, for advice on how to take care of your teeth. After all, THEY are the experts, aren't they? If you do, then they will give you a lecture on brushing and flossing. However — have you noticed? — they never tell you about refined sugar and sugary foods. And then, with the help of refined sugar and sugary foods, you will get rid of your teeth!

Lesson: Never ask dentists for advice on how to take care of your teeth. Why? Because they don't have your best interest in mind. When they give you a lecture on "brushing and flossing" but fail to preach to you about avoiding sugar and sugary foods, it will invariably lead to cavities, and then those cavities will be money in their pocket.

Ask for fluoride

How can you get rid of your teeth? If you go to the dentist, always ask for fluoride, because fluoride is a poison that causes untold damage. And because — have you noticed it? — dentists recommend it. And then, with the help of fluoride, you will get rid of your teeth!

Lesson: Never ask dentists for advice on fluoride. They don't have your best interest in mind. When they recommend "fluoride", but fail to preach to you about avoiding sugar and sugary foods, it will invariably lead to cavities, and then those cavities will be money in their pocket.

Ask for "silver"

How can you get rid of your teeth? If you go to the dentist, always ask for "silver" fillings. Why?
  • Because — have you noticed it? — dentists recommend it.
  • Because "silver" fillings do weaken the tooth.
  • Because "silver" fillings require the removal of MORE tooth structure;
  • Because "silver" is an amalgam of mercury, and mercury is a known neurotoxic chemical that causes untold damages, such as cracked teeth, cavities and gum disease.
  • Because, just like the mercury in old fashioned thermometers, mercury expands and contracts with temperature changes, and this will lead to cracked teeth.
  • Because the EPA considers it a hazardous waste.
  • Because, by asking for "silver", your dentist will put hazardous waste into your mouth.
  • Because the only place he (or she) can legally put mercury is in your mouth or in a hazardous waste container.
  • Because Norway and Sweden have banned the use of mercury fillings. And
  • Because then, with the help of this hazardous waste, you will get rid of your teeth!
Lesson: Never ask dentists for advice on using "silver". Because they don't have your best interest in mind. When they recommend you "silver" fillings, they will invariably lead to cracked teeth or cavities, and then those cracked teeth and cavities will be money in their pocket. ...More >>

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