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How to build muscles, page 2 of 3

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Dynamic vs. static number of days

The number of days between your workouts shouldn't be a static, arbitrarily-chosen number, but a dynamic number that keeps changing, depending on how quickly you're able to recover. This means that, before going back to the gym, you need to:
  • Determine whether or not you've fully recovered after your last workout. And
  • Assess how you're feeling.
Why? Because you shouldn't go back to the gym until you're feeling you're bursting at the seams. This also means:
  • You need to keep good records, and
  • Right after going back to the gym, you need to verify that indeed you're able to lift more weight.
Why? Because at that point in time you should be stronger. Because you shouldn't go back to the gym until you feel you're bursting at the seams. Because, if you're unable to lift more weight than before, then you went back to the gym before you were able to fully recover!

Ignore the mainstream magazines

How do you build muscles? To build muscles, you want to ignore the mainstream bodybuilding magazines. Why? Because most of what they say is not true. And because they are responsible when you make little or no progress. Because, when they sell you expensive supplements, they keep implying that you, too, can make quick gains.

It's simple to build muscles

How do you build muscles? Despite many assertions to the contrary, it's simple to build muscles, if you stick to major exercises, if you eat and rest well, if you train hard and briefly, if you gradually increase the weights, and if you train no more than a couple of hours per week.

How do you build muscles faster?

There are many ways to speed up your recovery:
  • One popular technique is the use of branched-chained amino acid or whey protein supplement in the post-workout window.
  • One other popular technique is the use of split routines. For example, assuming you recover in seven days or less, and assuming you work out on Mondays and Thursdays, you can build muscles every three or four days, without having to wait seven days for your recovery, if Mondays you work on your upper body, and Thursdays you work on your lower body. Why? Because you split your routines into two parts.
  • One other popular technique is the addition of a variety of exercises. Why? Because you want to fight boredom and disinterest. And because the more you vary your routines, the faster you're able to build muscles.
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