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How to prevent prostate cancer, page 8 of 12

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Soft drinks

How can you prevent prostate cancer? Avoid the intake of soft drinks.

Why? Because soft drinks contain refined sugar, aspartame, benzene, aluminum and pesticides.

And because soft drinks are associated with obesity, bone loss, dental decay, type 2 diabetes, hypokalemia and low nutrient levels.

Men who drink one 11-fluid-ounce soft drink a day are 40 percent more likely to develop prostate cancer. (11) (12) (13) (14)

So, how can you prevent prostate cancer?
You will prevent prostate cancer, if you avoid the intake of soft drinks.

Sugar, refined

How can you prevent prostate cancer? Avoid all refined sugar.

Why? Because refined sugar does feed cancer cells.

Scientific research proves that you have a 57% higher risk of getting prostate cancer, if your diet is more likely to increase your blood sugar level. (1)

So, how can you prevent prostate cancer?
You will prevent prostate cancer, if you stop the intake of all refined sugar (in sodas, ice cream, coffee, etc.)

Tap water

How can you prevent prostate cancer? Avoid the intake of ordinary municipal tap water.

Why? Because prostate cancer is linked to estrogen hormones, estrogen hormones in tap water are linked to oral contraceptives, and estrogen hormones, thanks to oral contraceptives, are always found in tap water.

Avoid tap water because the estrogen hormone concentration of tap water is increasing steadily, for municipal waste-water facilities make no effort to remove them.

Researchers determined that men living in countries with a higher use of oral contraceptives are at an increased risk for prostate cancer. (19)

So, how can you prevent prostate cancer?
You will prevent prostate cancer, if you avoid the intake of tap water. ...More >>

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